Using this 21-Minute Method, You CAN Eat Carbs, Enjoy Your Favorite Foods, and STILL Burn Away A Bit Of Belly Fat Each and Every Day
Using this 21-Minute Method,
You CAN Eat Carbs, Enjoy Your Favorite Foods, and STILL Burn Away A Bit Of
Belly Fat Each and Every Day
Monday, January 23, 2017
Most folks who have lost weight know you have to exercise to
burn fat, stay in shape, reduce stress, eliminate health risks, and get the
body you desire…
What very few people realize is that you may be exercising too much...
And that shortworkouts of around 21 minutes have been
scientifically proven to give you all the benefits of longer
workouts — without the negative side effects you’ll hear about in just a minute…
Maybe you also heard or believed that you must pay for a gym
membership to lose weight. If so, you’ve been lied to...
Just consider “bodyweight athletes” like gymnasts and you’ll
agree that zero-equipment home workouts will give you a shapely body just as
However, you cannot get the results you deserve with endless
repetitions of tired old bodyweight exercises like pushups and situps, which is
sadly the limit of what most trainers know about bodyweight workouts.
Yet the unique bodyweight exercise progressions you’ll discover
right here on this page can’t be found anywhere else, so keep reading...
You’ll see why you never need to exercise more than 21 minutes…
And how theseshort exercise sessions will give you all
the weight loss benefits of longer workouts, AND
as I’ll explain in a minute… even let you eat
more of your
favorite tasty carb-rich foods... for more click Here
Controversial University Research Already Proved...
The Wrong Workouts Make You Store MORE Fat...
The Wrong Workouts Make You Store MORE Fat...
you know that every year 36 million people take up jogging because they think
it’ll help them lose weight and look better?
get this:
2006, researchers from Berkeley and Stanford Universities revealed the results
of their study on habitual runners. To the shock of the entire fitness
industry, ALL the runners — including those who ran as much as 8 miles per DAY
— got fatter with every passing year!
about it: have you ever noticed that all those folks who spend hours every week
on treadmills, stationarybikes and cardio classes
never seem to change their bodies?
there’s this myth about how doing long workouts gets you results. Here’s why
that’s just not true…
and punishing workouts are proven to jack up a stress hormone in your body
called cortisol. In normal doses, cortisol is great… it actually
helps you burn fat…
in high doses from long and stressful exercise, it actually forces your body
into “protection mode” and makes you store more fat around
your midsection.
it turns into the frustrating stubborn fat that’s almost impossible to lose as long
as your cortisol stays high.
it’s the type of fat that increases
your risk of diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
That’s why I NEVER want you to workout for more than 30 minutes
— and why 21 minutes will easily give you all the weight loss you
Proof: A
recent study out of Australia reported that a group of women who followed a 20-minute program
consisting of eight-second sprints followed by 12 seconds of rest lost
an amazing six times more bodyfat than a group that followed a
40-minute traditional cardio program.
that’s just the latest in a long list of studies — stretching all the way back
to a groundbreaking 1994 study from a Quebec City university — that prove you
don’t need more than 21 minutes to experience the body you desire and deserve!
Look: If you’re
anything like me you just don’t have time to spend 90 minutes a day working
out. I’m 43. I exercise 20-30 minutes a day using my own bodyweight. And I’ve
got more energy, higher flexibility, better health markers, and of course a
slimmer, firmer and more athletic body than when I was spending 60-90 minutes a
day at the gym in my 20s... for more click here
The Answer to Eating More Carbs, Enjoying Your Favorite Foods, and STILL Burning Away A Bit Of Belly
Fat Each and Every Day Is Found In The BW3 MultiBurn Method
Now you know thatshort workouts are where it's at for losing
weight quickly, permanently and enjoyably…
However, fast does not always mean easy. In fact, I won't hide
the fact that a few of your 21 minute workouts are going to be tough and
Yet you'll be done your workout while other folks are still
doing their warm up, and you'll be burning more fat in 21 minutes than those
other poor souls are burning in 90 minutes or more…
...Thanks to my proprietary System called the Bodyweight
3x Fat-Burn Multiplier Effect… or just BW3 MultiBurn for short…
BW3 MultiBurn uses 3
scientifically optimal exercise methods that work together to give you a multiplier
effect that keeps you in a
fat burning state 24 / 7.
And get this… as you'll see in a minute, unlike jogging and
other long cardio workouts they actually create a cellular effect that allows you to eat
more tasty
carb-rich foods in order to accelerate your fat loss. click Here
Using this 21-Minute Method, You CAN Eat Carbs, Enjoy Your Favorite Foods, and STILL Burn Away A Bit Of Belly Fat Each and Every Day
Reviewed by sorenu80
8:25 PM
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