"How To Influence The Mind Of Anyone To Your Way Of Thinking..... Guaranteed"

"Million Dollar Copywriter And Master Of Influence Reveals The Same Blueprint He Used To Generate Hundreds Of Thousands For His Clients, Achieve Financial Freedom, Live A Dream Life And Build Lasting Relationships With Others... All Using The Techniques Listed Below..."

"How To Influence The Mind Of Anyone To Your Way Of Thinking..... Guaranteed"From the desk of Paul Mascetta
Influence Master and "Secret Weapon" to the Gurus
Dear friend,
You're about to discover the same "power link" that separates the happy and successful from the lonely, miserable and failure-prone people in the world.
Sound too good to be true? Read on and I'll prove it.
Before I do, I just want to make sure we're not wasting each other's time so let me ask you one simple question:
Where is YOUR life headed?
Pretty eye opening question isn't it?
Tell you what…before you think about that, think about this:
Some people seem to almost stumble onto good luck, wealth, and opportunities, even when they might be less qualified or intelligent than most... while others work hard, pay their dues but can't seem to catch a break no matter how hard they try.
Some people spend their entire lives trying to get ahead by educating themselves, putting in more time than others or simply just giving as much as they can to others... and still wind up broke, lonely and unfulfilled while another group of people get access to more money, relationships and resources than they even know what to do with.
In fact, some of these even abuse their power simply because they have so much of it that they take it for granted. To them it's like secondnature. Almost like breathing. They don't take the time to think about how lucky they are, they just accept it as a normal part of life.
The real question is, which group do you want to be a part of?
Well, if you've ever wondered (even for a second) how this elite group of people live the kind of dream lives that they do, then this may very well be the most important letter you ever read. Because today I will be sharing the three most powerful secrets you will ever need to know about how a select group of people ALWAYS position themselves for victory.
And just so you understand….

Description: http://thecodeofinfleunce.s3.amazonaws.com/images/bluecheck.png
It has nothing to do with education
Description: http://thecodeofinfleunce.s3.amazonaws.com/images/bluecheck.png
It has nothing to do with inherited wealth
Description: http://thecodeofinfleunce.s3.amazonaws.com/images/bluecheck.png
It has nothing to do with intelligence
Description: http://thecodeofinfleunce.s3.amazonaws.com/images/bluecheck.png
It has nothing to do with talent
Description: http://thecodeofinfleunce.s3.amazonaws.com/images/bluecheck.png
It has nothing to do with business savvy
Description: http://thecodeofinfleunce.s3.amazonaws.com/images/bluecheck.png
It has nothing to do with luck

In fact, you can have none of those things but still join this elite group. Because what you will discover here can be used to transform EVERY single aspect of your life....it's really that powerful.
These 3 secrets have been used by people like Oprah Winfrey, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Steve Jobs (creator of Apple), Mark Zuckerberg (creator of Facebook), Mother Theresa and any other person who has made an immense impact on the world.
Whether you like these people or not doesn't matter. Whether you agree with what they stand for doesn't matter. What does matter is what they have been able to accomplish in life and how they did it.
Let me spare you the trouble of trying to figure it out.
Ok... you listening? Good..
Here it is.
These people possess the power of influence.
Influence - as defined by the English dictionary - is the capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on the actions, behavior or opinions of others.
You see, many people falsely assume that Oprah is as popular and rich as she is because she has had one of the mostwatched television shows in the world. And that's true. But what exactly made that show so popular?
There were (and still are) countless talk shows on TV that are just like the Oprah Winfrey show.
But what was it about hers that made it stand out above the rest? It was her.
It was her ability to connect with people. You see, no matter how wealthy or famous Oprah is, her influential ability enables her to have people who may be completely different from her identify with and connect with her.
Mark Zuckerberg, who has created the largest social networking website on the planet and perhaps the most visited website in the world, used the power influence in a completely different way. Rather than connecting personally with people himself, he created something that lets other people connect.
He utilized the power of something called social validation and let it do the work for him.
Simply put, every single one of these people has influenced the minds of other people to get where they are today.
Whether you realize this or not, your ability to influence will ultimately supersede your talent, ability, education, knowledge, experience or any other beneficial trait that you bring to thetable. The reason why is simple: to truly capitalize on any of those things, you will - at some point - need the help of someone else.

Here's What Your Getting

 All 12 Modules Of The Code Of Influence
458-Page Transcript Of All 12 Modules
Self Hypnosis Bonus 1: Art of Negotiation
Self Hypnosis Bonus 2: Charisma - Power Your Mind to become Charismatic naturally
Self Hypnosis Bonus 3: Rapid Decision Making
Self Hypnosis Bonus 4: Relaxation
Self Hypnosis Bonus 5: Sales Mastery
Self Hypnosis Bonus 6: Social Finesse
Self Hypnosis Bonus 7: Unlimited Wealth
60 Day No Questions Asked Ability To Test Drive The Program

"They Thought I Was Crazy...
But They Were Broke And I Was Cashing In"
My friends always thought it was a little crazy to work in commission based job where your next paycheck is never guaranteed to be the same. And I always thought it was little crazy to get the same paycheck as someone else that you may work harder than.
I also thought it was a little crazy to get paid the same amount of money every week. I loved being in control of how much money I could make.
When I would get bored with selling in one type of industry, I would move on to something else to see how I could apply my persuasion tactics there.
And what I learned was that, at the end of the day, it's all the same. The principles of persuasion are universal.
All I needed to do was gain knowledge about the product or service that I was selling, what separated it from its competitors, and synergistically combine that information with what I knew about the psychology of influence.
After years of basically writing my own paycheck, I decided I didn't want any more paychecks…well not from employers anyway.
I wanted to work for myself and call my own shots.
With the rise of business being done on the web, I got into the sales copy writing aspect of Internet Marketing... and my job was to take a product that someone created and make the world want to buy it without having a single conversation with them.
I simply write a letter which then gets pasted on a web page for the world to see and the work is done.
The only catch is that that letter better be damned good... or I won't be getting any more calls to do any more writing.
Long story short, my sales copy hasgenerated millions of dollars in revenue for over 100 

               Proof Of What A Persuasive Message Can Do

"How To Influence The Mind Of Anyone To Your Way Of Thinking..... Guaranteed"

"How To Influence The Mind Of Anyone To Your Way Of Thinking..... Guaranteed"
And the reason that it has done so is not because I was born with a God-given talent or because I'm special, it's because I studied and mastered the principles of influence (which isn't nearly as hard as it sounds) and used them over and over again.

And the good news is you can too.

In fact, when I really think about it, I'm amazed that everyone in the world isn't an expert influencer because it's just that easy to become one.

And so I began to ask myself "why is this such a problem for some people?"

The answer that I came up with is simple: most people don't even know what influence is. They assume that influence and persuasion are the same but nothing could be further from the truth.Click Here

"How To Influence The Mind Of Anyone To Your Way Of Thinking..... Guaranteed"
"How To Influence The Mind Of Anyone To Your Way Of Thinking..... Guaranteed"

"How To Influence The Mind Of Anyone To Your Way Of Thinking..... Guaranteed" "How To Influence The Mind Of Anyone To Your Way Of Thinking..... Guaranteed" Reviewed by sorenu80 on 7:45 PM Rating: 5

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