Eliminate Registry Errors, Why New Computers Can Have Registry Errors, How to use the RegServe Ignore Feature

Eliminate Registry Errors - Automatically !
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  • Automatically Scans Your Computer - for corrupt or damaged registry files
  • Increase Computer Speed - by optimizing your computer settings
  • Prevent & Maintain - your computers health

Why New Computers Can Have Registry Errors

by Autumn Hockersmith | 2010-02-10 

More and more often we are finding new computers with a high amount of registry errors. This has caused many consumers to become skeptical of the accuracy of registry cleaners. Before we completely write off the accuracy or perform ability of these products lets take a look at what causes many of these registry errors. 

When downloading a new program onto your computer you also allowing registry errors on your computer. The act of downloading a program onto your computer installs entries to your registry. Once these entries are saved to your registry they can then be manipulated. This goes for programs that have been uninstalled incorrectly as well. Both of these actions can leave hundreds of registry errors on your computer and your computer does not have the configurations to clean these errors up with out a program such as Registry Serve. 

Whether you have a new computer or an older computer it is your responsibility to keep your computer clean and up to date. It is critical to perform disk cleanups to remove unneeded files from your computer. Many files on your computer add no benefits to your computer or registry. Along with performing regular disk cleanups it is important to do the small things such as turn your computer on and off properly, and continue to run products such as Registry Serve to defrag your new computer after having downloading so many new files in such a short amount of time.

Many times our registry on new computers has been affected by the manufactures of your computer installing certain programs on your computer before you ever receive it. The simple solution to this is much like the previously listed solutions. Run a registry cleaner and defragmentation on your new computer soon after purchasing it. It is also important to note that it is critical to have a virus protection and configure a firewall on your computer along with registry cleaners.

How to use the RegServe Ignore Feature

by Tyler Gibbs | 2011-09-21 

Our engineers have worked hard to develop a registry scanning algorithm that detects registry errors on a variety of operating systems and configurations. To ensure maximum stability across user platforms, RegServe includes a built-in internal ignore list that overlooks certain areas of your computers registry that may be critical to your computers overall performance and stability. The internal ignore list also overlooks critical registry entries used by reputable software publishers such as Adobe, Microsoft, Symantec/Norton, McAffee, etc, to ensure compatibility. Because there are endless configurations, and applications that can be downloaded, RegServe provides users with the tools to add items to the internal ignore list. 

Items can be added to the internal ignore list using one of two methods. Following a registry scan, RegServe lists the total number of errors found during the scan by category. Click on the plus sign (+) to expand the category and to review each registry item. Individual items can be added to the ignore list at this time by clicking the corresponding ignore link. 

An alternate method of adding items to your ignore list is by using the keyword feature. The keyword feature can be found by clicking on the Registry Scan tab, then clicking Ignore List. Click on the Add button to input an area (keyword) of your registry that you would like overlooked. Although Norton's Security Suite is already built-in to RegServe's ignore list, below are keywords that could be entered to overlook this application:

Norton Security Suite
Security Suite

In the above example, both broad and specific keywords were entered.

Eliminate Registry Errors, Why New Computers Can Have Registry Errors, How to use the RegServe Ignore Feature Eliminate Registry Errors, Why New Computers Can Have Registry Errors, How to use the RegServe Ignore Feature Reviewed by sorenu80 on 9:42 PM Rating: 5

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